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Physiotherapy Methods

Harmony Evde Fizik Tedavi maneul Terapi Yalova

Manual Therapy Method

Manual therapy, also known as manipulative therapy, is physical therapy typically used in conjunction with traditional physical therapy techniques.

Instead of using a machine or device, our physiotherapists will use their hands to apply pressure to muscle tissue and replace the bod's joints. Manual therapy is highly effective in the treatment of both acute and chronic pain. Optimal benefit is seen when manual therapy is used in conjunction with other treatments such as ice, heat, ultrasound, interventional therapy, subcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and exercise prescription.

The goal of manual therapy techniques is to relax tense muscles and limited joints to reduce pain and improve range of motion. In general, manual therapy techniques refer to the use of three types of movement; work performed by physical therapists:

  • Soft tissue mobilization (including trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, etc.)

  • Applies pressure to the soft tissues of the body, including the muscles, ligaments, and tendons

  • This pressure helps relax muscles, break up scar tissue adhesions, increase circulation and relieve pain.

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Egzersiz Terapi Harmony Evde Fizik Tedavi Yalova

Exercise Therapy Method

Exercise therapy is a regimen plan of physical activities designed and prescribed to help patients recover from neurological conditions or disorders that impair their daily movements and activities. It consists of exercise training, gait training and therapeutic activities. It is the systematic execution of planned physical movements, postures or activities, to reduce the risk of falling, improve gait function, correct or prevent balance disorder, improve general health, and prevent patients from falling.


It is a repetitive and intensive treatment method. It takes time and dedication on the part of the patients to promote neuroplasticity. Therapy is performed by our specialist physiotherapists with educational backgrounds in exercise physiology, exercise science or similar degrees.

You will be informed by our physiotherapists to encourage the patient's independence as much as possible in home management, self-management and exercise programs.

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Yalova Graston Tekniği Harmony

Graston Gevşetme Tekniği

Graston Tekniği, son yıllarda çok popüler hale gelen fizik tedavide  kullanılan bir yumuşak doku tedavisidir. Alet destekli yumuşak doku mobilizasyonunun bir şeklidir, yani eller yerine vücudun yumuşak dokusunu uyarmak için aletler kullanır. Bir seansın amacı, çeşitli aletlerle bağ dokusu ve kas liflerindeki yapışıklıkları bulmak ve gerginliğini azaltmaktır. Etkilenen bölgedeki kan akışını artırmak ve uygun iyileşme ve onarımı sağlamaktır.


Graston Tekniğinin sizin için doğru tedavi olup olmadığını nasıl anlarsınız? Yapmanız gereken en önemli şey fizyoterapistiniz ile konuşmaktır. Graston Tekniğinin yumuşak doku yaralanmalarında iyileşmeyi hızlandırdığını gösteren önemli kanıtları vardır. Farelerde yapılan klinik çalışmada, Graston tedavisinin bacağın fibroblast hücrelerini arttırdığı ve aktive ettiği gösterildi.

Fibroblast hücreleri vücudumuzdaki dokuların yapısal çerçevesini oluşturan yapılardır ve iyileşme sürecinin önemli bir parçasıdır. Artan hücre sayısı, vücudun hızlandırılmış bir oranda iyileştiğini gösterir. 
İnsan testlerinde sonuçlar benzerdir. Kas ve tendon yaralanmalarında, Graston Tekniğinin germe ve güçlendirme programları ile birlikte  kullanıldığında iyileşme hızını arttırdığı bulundu.
Detaylı bilgi için lütfen bize ulaşın.

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kinezyoloji bant yöntemi Harmony

Kinesiotaping Method

Kinesio tape is an auxiliary equipment used for pain and correct positioning in physical therapy. It helps the body's natural healing process by supporting the muscles and joints. The tough cotton is intertwined with polymer elastic threads that allow mobility.

Like regular athletic tape, it stabilizes or immobilizes the injured part, but has the added benefit of raising the skin by allowing additional blood flow.

Today, it is widely used at the Olympics by professional athletes who want mobility without the risk of further injury.

What Does Kinesio Tape Do?

There are 1.35 million sports injuries per year in youth alone. The severity of the damage in each case ranges from a sprained ankle to head injuries, but suffice it to say that sports injuries are common events around the world.

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Hidroterapi Harmony Evde Fizik Tedavi  Yalova

Hydrotherapy Method

Hydrotherapy (water therapy) is one of the physical therapy techniques performed in a pool or other aquatic environment, under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional. Exercises such as hydrotherapy, general body movements, stretching, and water walking are considered beneficial as the natural buoyancy of water allows freedom to move without compressing or stretching the body. It encourages natural resistance to strengthen muscles and relieves pain and improves health with its unique properties.

Its most distinctive feature is by deactivating gravity, taking advantage of the buoyancy of the water and allowing the person to move freely. Especially useful for walking training after paralysis or ankle fractures.

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© 2023 Disclaimer: No information on this page is provided for diagnosis or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment is a procedure that must be performed by a physician.

Adnan Menderes Mah. Kalem Sok. No. 16

Tel: 0226 814 20 78

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